Troubles with the Condominium Management? - A reason to look for a good Property Manager
February 16th, 2014 Those apartment owners who are not satisfied with their joint representative, can ask for help from the local notary from February. Most owners have problems related to common expenses, and others with the lack of tenants’ meetings or the inappropriate environment.From the 1st of February those apartment owners who are not satisfied with their joint representatives, can ask for help from the notary to solve their problems. According to the information provided by the National Federation of Associations for Consumer Protection in Hungary (NFACPH) the apartment owners often complain about the joint representatives. Some of them have problems related to the common expenses, others related to the tenants’ meetings and others related to the inappropriate environment of the house.
Common Complaints
One of the owners complained about not getting an official document about the meeting. Another one mentioned a case, when he got the opportunity to pay his debts back in parts, but later he still got payments summons, and couldn’t get in touch with the joint representative to discuss his problem. According to a law modification came into force on the 1st February 2014, the apartment owners can ask for help from the notary, if they have any problem related to their joint representatives. The notary examines if the house operates according to the laws. If it is revealed the law or the rules were broken, the notary can take the case to the court.
It’s worth to Ask Help from a Property Management Company
Since the world of joint representation is complicated and bureaucratic, sometimes the apartment owners are better to get in touch with an expert property management company that keeps in touch with the house and the joint representative. The property management company helps to solve any problems related to the house, and get rid of the unsolved cases; it pays common expenses from the rent income, and represents the owner’s rights. We at Tower Budapest property management company can help you with this: if you need help, get in touch with us!