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Reconstructions at Párizsi utca

January 2nd, 2014
The most famous pedestrian street of the city centre, Váci utca and some of its bystreets, like Párizsi utca are to be renewed, and they’ll get a new pavement. The new pavement of Párizsi utca is decorated with geometric elements. According to the plans at one corner of the street a luxury hotel is to be built.
Váci utca, Dunakorzó and Falk Miksa and their neighborhood are planned to be reconstructed. Váci utca located in the 5th district is the city centre’s most famous shopping area, which connects Vámház körút and Vörösmarty tér. The north part of the street, between Párizsi utca and Kristóf tér was called Bécsi utca Mahalle in the 16-17th century, and the south part, between Fővám tér and Szabadsajtó út was called Nagy utca Mahalle.
An Extraordinary Tenement House on Párizsi utca
Several spectacular buildings stand on Párizsi utca and its neighborhood, like the one on the corner of Párizsi utca and Petőfi Sándor utca. The tenement house was built between 1941 and 1943, according to the plans of Gedeon Gerlóczy. The real specialty of the building is the corridor which leads to Váci utca. On the façade of the house facing Párizsi utca S-shaped terraces were built, making the building stand out from its environment.
The Former 5th District Main Post Building Is Also Here
The former 5th district main post building is also here, in the Párizsi utca – Petőfi Sándor utca – Városháza utca triangle. The building was built in 1872, and was bought in 2006 by a Luxembourg-based company, which sold it to a private health clinic network.
A Luxury Hotel Is to Be Built in the Former Post Building
The new owner of the former post building is planning to build a 200-room luxury hotel. On the ground floor of the side facing Petőfi Sándor utca a pub, and on the side facing Párizsi utca a restaurant is planned to be built. Under the 800-square-meter garden a 2-storey garage is to be built, and the atrium will be opened to the Párizsi utca side.

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