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Now It's Really Worth to Rent Out Your Property

March 13th, 2014
The number of the online property ads is highly increasing, and also the number of those who are looking for an apartment to rent on the internet. The owners get the most calls from potential tenants in Budapest and in Győr. Most future tenants call the owners by phone, but the online contact opportunities (email, Skype) are more popular as well.

The number of those who are looking for an apartment, a house or an office to rent on the internet is increasing. Most of them are looking for Budapest properties, but the apartments in Győr are also popular: here one advertisement gets 15 callers. Most of the future tenants (87.4 percent) call the owners by phone, but the online contact opportunities like email and Skype are more popular as well, so if you are currently trying to sublet your apartment, house or office, it’s worth to advertise it online, and add your email and Skype besides your phone number. The number of those who use the online contact opportunities is the highest in Debrecen: 74.1 percent of the inquirers send and email and 10 percent use Skype to get in touch with the owner of the apartment. The number of the inquirers is usually the highest in August (before the beginning of the semester), the lowest in winter, and it increases again at the beginning of the next January-February; this year it also happened so.

Online Contact Opportunities Are Getting More Popular
According to the data of Aprod.hu advertisement site the inquirers are more and more likely to use the online contact opportunities, and the number of the online ads is also increasing. Beside the capital Debrecen and Győr is the most popular. Budapest properties got 204 thousand inquiries in total in January, which means 22.6 inquiries per ad on average. The demand for the houses for rent also increased: in January an owner got 11 inquiries on average. Beside Budapest the demand for apartments for rent was also high in Pest County and in Debrecen: in Pest an owner got 8.3 and in Debrecen 6.2 inquiries on average. So now it’s really worth to sublet: if you have an apartment, house or office, and are looking for a tenant, it’s worth to advertise it online and add your email and Skype as well.



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