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Hungarians Love Their Home, and Are Unwilling to Move for a Job

January 31st, 2014
According to a survey Hungarians stick to their homes: they are unwilling to move, even if they got a new job at the other side of the country. The rates of the opened positions are uneven, but despite moving for a job doesn’t have a tradition in Hungary, partly because of the big difference among the real estate prices of the counties.

According to the results of a survey of a job search site Hungarians are not likely to move to another county for a new job; they cling to their current homes. The distribution of jobs is uneven: in some parts of the country there are a lot more unemployed than vacancies, and in other counties it’s the other way around. But although the citizens would be able to move, they tend to stay and continue searching for a job in their homeland; moving for a job doesn’t have a tradition in Hungary. In the Western counties there are as many job vacancies as unemployed, but in Tolna, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg or Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties there are way more unemployed people than jobs. For those in Csongrád county is the hardest to find a job near their homes.

How Much Does It Cost to Move to Another City?

Real estate agency Duna House calculated how much it costs for a family to move to another city. In the example we have a family of two thirty-something parents and one child, who’d like to move from Szeged to Győr. There’s a big difference between the real estate prices of the 2 counties, Csongrád and Győr-Moson-Sopron: an average, 55-square-meter apartment in a block of flats costs HUF 6.36 million in Szeged, and 9.66 in Győr – an apartment of the same square meterage in a brick house costs HUF 9.5 million in Szeged and 12.8 million in Győr.

Moving for a Job Doesn’t Have a Tradition in Hungary

When calculating the average prices, Duna House used the selling data of last year’s second half. The family in their example needs an extra HUF 3.3 million to sell their Szeged apartment and buy one in Győr. They can apply for a loan, or until they are not able to do it, they can rent. According to the calculations of Duna House the average monthly payment of a 20-year loan is HUF 23 thousand, which is a payable amount for a family with two employed parents. But in spite of this, Hungarians don’t tend to move: while in Western Europe or in the United States people live where they find a job; in Hungary they search for a job where they live.



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