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Budapest Is Going to Be a Smart City

May 27th, 2014
Design Terminal organized a tender with the aim of making Budapest a “smart city”. The purpose of the smart city conceptions is to optimize the cities’ sources, and to make city life more pleasant. The contest called Smart City Lab Budapest is waiting for entries in 3 categories, including traffic, water and urban green areas.

Design Terminal launched a tender in 2014, which is open for designers, institutes, companies and civil people. The aim is to build, develop and modernize urban spaces and systems. The organizers of the project called Smart City Lab Budapest are waiting for ideas that can be used for the development of the urban environment and for making city life more enjoyable. Primarily ideas related to traffic, water usage and green areas are welcome. The creative entries must include suggestions for new or current methods and tools, with the help of which Budapest can be made a “smart city”, in other words, its sources can be optimized. The suggested methods have to provide an opportunity to get the locals involved in creating a “user-friendly city”.

The Aim Is to Develop Traffic System and Urban Green Areas

One of the categories of the contest is related to urban traffic. The suggestions can be about developing the current solutions or creating new ones. The aim is to make traffic not only a functional service, but a service that helps to make city life more pleasant and the quality of the public places better. The 2nd category is water: the entries can be about its usage, maintenance, recycling or easing its availability. And for the 3rd category the organizers are waiting for entries that help rethink the role of urban green areas, parks or forests, and provide ideas for making the relationship between the natural and the built environment of the city better. The deadline for the tender is the 13rd June, and the winner, who gets a HUF 1.9 million prize, will be announced on the 20th.



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