Bad Apartment Photos Scare Potential Buyers Away
October 10th, 2013 Browsing real estate advertising websites we often find poor quality or unattractive photos, which are not able to show the advantages of the advertised property. Unattractive photos can easily scare potential buyers away, so it’s difficult for the owner to sell the property even if it’s in a good state with a great location.Real estate advertising websites and homepages of real estate agencies are full of poor quality or unattractive photos. The advertisements are illustrated with photos showing messy rooms, laundry on the sofa, beds full of stuffed animals, plates in the kitchen table with the remains of dinner or untidy restrooms and bathtubs. Luxury properties are exceptions of course: the owners of these never miss taking time and spending money on adding professional photos to their ads.
Rooms Must Be Tidied Before Shooting
Fortunately we don’t necessarily need money to take photos that are actually able to introduce the advantages of the property. Before shooting putting everything in order and tidying the room is a must. Personal or inappropriate objects such as laundry or unwashed dishes have to be put away. It’s also important to remove all of the grime and mineral deposits from your kitchen and bathroom faucets and the bathtub to make them more attractive. Make the beds and clean the windows, and make sure no family members or pets are on the photos.
Decoration Makes the Rooms More Attractive
Decorations make the rooms and thus the photos more attractive. Hang a curtain, put on a tablecloth, and cover the bed with a nice bedcloth. The photos should be taken by daylight, from the most favorable angle; don’t let the door or the doorframe be shown. Make sure the potential buyer is able to see as much as possible from the apartment: don’t upload up-close photos of the furniture; that’s useless. If you let Tower International help you sell or sublet your apartment, we’ll advertise your property illustrated with professional and attractive photos, and upload the advertisement on our English sites and also on popular local websites. This way it will be a lot easier for you to find a tenant or a buyer.